¿Que es STICPAY?
Sticpay es un servicio global sin límites de lugares. Usted puede enviar y recibir dinero vía la cuenta de Sticpay en el transcurso
de un minuto sin importar donde se encuentre el remitente y/o destinatario.
Steve se encuentra en InglaterraSend money via STICPAY
It takes just one minute Hiroshige in japan
Example :
Steve from England wants to send money to Hiroshige in Japan. Without STICPAY, Steve’s only option is to send money via international transfer.
For these types of services, traditional banks charge high transactional fees and it takes at least 2-3days to clear.
If Steve and Hiroshige both had STICPAY accounts, the entire transaction takes just under a minute with
STICPAY's E-Money technology.
In other words, STICPAY makes your international transfers
to your friends and family abroad faster and easier with the minimum fees.
“Ways to add money to a Sticpay Account”
1. Add (deposit) money to his STICPAY account
- Credit Card (Visa, Master)
- Local Bank Wire
- Cryptocurrencies
2. Transfer money to Hiroshige’s STICPAY Account
“Ways to use money received in Sticpay ”
1.Withdraw to her local bank in Japan from her STICPAY account(not an international transfer: local transfer linked to STICPAY partner banks)
2.Use STIC Card. STIC Cards are accepted all over the world in offline stores. Withdraw using any ATM machine.
3.Transfer money to STICPAY enabled merchant accounts instantly online.
4.Transfer money to STICPAY user accounts instantly online.